Why OrientDB is very important NoSQL database

Why OrientDB is very important NoSQL database

Why OrientDB is very important NoSQL database. OrientDB stands to be the most important database on market right now.

When developing software it is important to choose the right technologies. With recent projects we have been working with various NoSQL databases namely MongoDB, RavenDB, Couchbase, Redis and of course the standard MySQL, Postgresql and SQL Server. As if these were not enough, we also are looking at ArangoDB, Neo4j and possibly the biggest innovation since microchip (or sliced bread) called OrientDB.

From a recent interview Michael Stonebraker commented that the fancy “NoSQL” and “Eventual Consistent” databases will come down to ACID as the development community needs it. We share the same vision that databases without ACID compliance are okay for smaller, simpler tasks. But when it comes to enterprise development, consistency of the data is more important than the program itself.

We recently started evaluating OrientDB, a database that claims partial SQL support, ACID compliance, very high performance (workload of 125 MySQL databases) and is in itself a document and a graph database. If their claim is correct (and most likely it is), OrientDB stands to be the most important database on market right now, nothing short of the future of databases. It further helps that they offer this under Apache license.

At Aquevix we are constantly looking for and evaluating new and better ways to write code and to produce results that provide maximum returns for our clients.

Keep tuned for some performance numbers very soon.

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